Thursday 2 July 2015

RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show - Best Conceptual Garden - Equilibrium

Designed by

John Humphreys & Andy Hyde

Built by

Mudlarks, Hallowed Turf Ltd

Sponsored by

  • Pevensey Coastal Defence Ltd, Environment Agency
Britain’s ancient peoples understood the importance of their relationship with the sun and moon and the effects of those elements on the seasons and tides. Equal opposing forces working in balance was as critical then as it is now.

Henges were spiritual structures and possibly enabled the prediction of celestial events, such as the solstice and equinox. They were a place to heal, celebrate ancestry and the cycle of life. These monuments are testament to peace and harmony.

Equilibrium garden design reflects these themes creating a sensation of well being, calm, stability and balance of the elements. Redundant groynes that have been sculpted by the sea and bleached by the sun are used for their natural beauty to create a henge. Together with the beach and flowers they surround and protect the pool and eternal flame within. The garden encapsulates serene mirage-like days when the wind sleeps and time seems as still as the sunlit sea.

The plants used are those that grow naturally by the sea and have evolved to thrive in the challenging coastal environment, enhancing its subtle beauty.

View The Garden