Sunday 10 July 2011

Grant Museum of Zoology

Museum view


The Grant Museum is the only remaining university zoological museum in London. It houses around 67,000 specimens, covering the whole Animal Kingdom. Founded in 1828 as a teaching collection, the Museum is packed full of skeletons, mounted animals and specimens preserved in fluid. Many of the species are now endangered or extinct including the Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine, the Quagga, and the Dodo. 


The Grant Museum has selection of spectacular glass models made by the Blaschka family in the late 1800s. The museum also contains many of Robert Grant's original specimens as well as those of Thomas Henry Huxley. The Grant Museum's collection of Sir Victor Negus's bisected heads are both arresting and beautiful and are reminiscent of the work of the artist Damien Hirst.

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