Cambridge Gardens. W11.
Seen in the early hours of some mornings and last seen in 1990 in May The Phantom Bus is one of London's most unusual hauntings. The number 7 double decker London bus, the Phantom Bus of Cambridge Gardens.
Early one morning in 1934, a motorist driving along Cambridge Gardens, suddenly swerved, for no apparent reason, and was killed when his car hit a wall and burst into flames. At theinquest into his death, witnesses came forward to testify to the existence of a phantom bus that many of them had been seen, more or less at the exact spot where the fatal crash had occurred. They told how it would always appear at round about 1.15am, the time that the crash had occurred, and spoke of their terror as it came racing along the centre of the road towards them. No driver was ever visible, and no lights were ever on
Convinced that they were about to be in a head on collision with the vehicle, motorists would swerve out of its path, and as they did so the bus would thunder past them. Yet whenever they turned round to look at the bus, they always found that it had vanished without trace.
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