Thursday, 12 December 2013

Mansion where Bob Geldof and Midge Ure wrote 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' sells for £6.5 million | London - ITV News

Mansion where Bob Geldof and Midge Ure wrote 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' sells for £6.5 million | London - ITV News: "A mansion in West London where the Midge Ure wrote 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' with Bob Goldof has sold for £6.5 million."

The company responsible for selling the property, Crayson, describe it as a "Magnificent partly Grade II listed house, with Georgian elegance". The six bedroom property in Chiswick was also home to the Editor of NME magazine, Alan Smith.
However, according to Crayson, the new owner is an "elderly lady", not thought to have ties with the music industry.
Here's a look inside the historic house.
View from the garden Credit: Crayson
Reception Room Credit: Crayson
Entrance Hall Credit: Crayson
Studio Credit: Crayson
Master Bedroom Credit: Crayson
Terrace Credit: Crayson
Terrace Vista Credit: Crayson
Front Elevation Credit: Crayson