Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Geffrye Museum - Ceramics in the City opens this Thursday 18 September!

Geffrye MOTH logo landscape
Ceramics in the City 2014 opens this Thursday! 
Friday 19 - Sunday 21 September, 10am - 5pm
Thursday 18 September, 6 - 8.30pm (special launch evening open to all)    
Ceramics in the City opens this week and we would love you to visit!
Come to the preview evening on Thursday 18 September, 6 - 8.30pm. It's a wonderful opportunity to browse, buy and talk with the exhibitors. Fifty selected ceramicists from across the UK will be showcasing their work.
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday we'll be open from 10am - 5pm. There will be free ceramics demonstrations and talks with exhibitors Sue Paraskeva, Akiko Hirai and Dylan Bowen and free creative workshops for younger artists on the weekend. Take time out to visit the cafĂ© and try out our new menu.

Ceramics in the City is one of the Geffrye's favourite events - we hope you'll be able to drop in and see the variety of exciting work on display.

Ceramics in the City is part of the London Design Festival.