Happy new year!
Here's to 2018 and all the exciting events it brings! Come and visit us when the house opens again on Wednesday 10th January for a look at our new exhibitions or maybe for a recital or talk- we've got something for everyone. Join us on Thursday 18 January for Helena Attlee's talk on her book The Land Where Lemons Grow, which has already proved to be very popular so get your tickets now! We also have a new fascinating exhibition opening on Wednesday 24 January; a retrospective of Fred Uhlman's work, the first time his work has been exhibited in Hampstead where he lived for many years and was so influential. Keep an eye out for our latest What's On guide to see what's coming up this year, particularly with our new Lifelines series starting in March!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with our events. Cover Image: Manor Lodge, Hampstead (1950s/60s)– Fred Uhlman (detail) Oil on Canvas, Burgh House collection, ©Estate of Fred Ulhman
Poetry and Hampstead Wed 10 January - Sun 11 March
A capsule first-floor landing exhibition. Hampstead has been, for upwards of 200 years, a crucible of creative development and discourse. A home to the avant-garde, liberal and intellectual, its original village status has morphed over the years to become a more urban space, yet still preserving within the lush open expanses of parkland and quiet streets a lingering memory of the past. This new exhibition, curated by work experience student Molly Garnett, examines the ways these two phenomena - the outside landscape and the interior workings of the poet - have combined over the years to yield much of what has been celebrated in the English language in recent centuries. As one of Hampstead’s most famous literary residents, John Keats, wrote, “The poetry of the earth is never dead”.
Printing Hampstead
Sunday 14 January 11am – 12:30pm
Inspired by Magnus Irvin’s print The Hampstead Incident, on display in the Museum, be creative and print your own Hampstead scene. This activity is suitable for children aged five and over. Tickets £5 per child, available here
London Bird Club: Introduction to the London Bird Atlas Monday 22 January 7pm
The London Bird Atlas provides the most up-to-date analyses of the changes to London’s birds based on a comprehensive survey run in conjunction with the British Trust for Ornithology’s National Bird Atlas project. Written by Ian Woodward, professional ornithologist, and Richard Arnold, a professional ecologist, the atlas brings together into a single volume the analyses of millions of bird records and research. Entry £2 (free for under-18s and students) more information here
Antico Amore: Jewels from the Classical and Baroque Eras Friday 26 January 7pm
Italian soprano Luciana Di Bella and tenor Yuri Sabatini will guide you through an exquisite journey of discovery of the most beautiful and sometimes forgotten antique arias from the classical and baroque eras. Complimentary glass of wine or soft drink at 6:30pm, kindly supported by Con.tatto - Mobili Imbottiti Padova. Tickets £20 available by calling Caroline Hames 07956650852 or emailing carolinehames77@gmail.com
Timothy Sutton: Song Recital Sunday 28 January 2.15pm
Pianist Timothy Sutton and baritone Daniel D'Souza present songs by Ravel, Schumann and Sutton. The programme features the first performance of three settings, composed by Timothy John Sutton, of poems by the poet Alan Brownjohn, who has lived and worked in the local area for 40 years. Tickets £10 on the door.
Burgh House & Hampstead Museum open Wed - Fri & Sun 12noon - 5pm
Helena Attlee: The Land Where Lemons Grow
Thursday 18 January 7pm
The award-winning author Helena Attlee is coming to Burgh House! Bringing us her delightful book The Land Where the Lemons Grow, Helena will be discussing Italy’s unexpected history through its citrus fruits. With a lovely Campari & blood orange cocktail on arrival, join us as we get taken on a unique and rich journey through Italy’s moral, cultural and political past. Limited seats available. Tickets £15 (£12 FoBH & u25s) available here
Colla Voce Camerata: A Recital of Entertaining Songs, Ballads & Duets Sunday 14 January 2pm
Colla Voce Camerata: A Recital of Entertaining Songs, Ballads & Duets Sunday 14 January, 2pm Join Colle Voce Camerata - Johnanna-Marie D’Oyly Chambers (soprano), John Taylor (baritone) and Charlotte Ellis (piano) for an afternoon of music. Tickets £12, (£10 concessions) available by emailing chellispiano@gmail.com
The Making of an Englishman: Fred Uhlman, a Retrospective Wed 24 January - Sun 27 May
The Making of an Englishman is the first UK retrospective of Uhlman’s work in 50 years and the first exhibition of the artist’s work in Hampstead, where he lived for many years and was so influential in establishing a refugee community. The exhibition brings together paintings and drawings dating from 1928 to 1971, most notably a selection of early Mediterranean scenes, a number of drawings executed whilst in internment on the Isle of Man during the Second World War, loaned from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, and the Welsh landscapes for which he became well known. The exhibition will also include previously unseen archival material and objects of his personal collection including a number of items from Uhlman’s 72-piece collection of African sculpture, the majority of which is now on permanent display at the Hatton Gallery, Newcastle, as well as representations of the artist by celebrated Dadaist Kurt Schwitters, fellow Hampstead resident Milein Cosman, Polish-Jewish painter and printmaker Jankel Adler and sculptress of luminaries Karin Jonzen.
Baby Stories
Friday 26 January 1pm-2pm
Join us in the library to celebrate National Storytelling week with a very special story-time and much more. Suitable for ages one - four. FREE
Hampstead Music Club: Masterclass for Singers
Tuesday 30 January
Join Tutor Helen Cannell for a singing masterclass. For more details contact organiser Anna Lavina on 07811366953 Suggested donation £3.
Transition: Visual Enquiries
Wed 31 January - Sun 11 February
An exhibition that showcases prints and ceramic objects by Judit Prieto and Rosy Coleman, leading on from the Objects in Transition exhibition at Burgh House (September to December 2017). It is an interpretation of thier personal transition vis a vis countries and objects. Featuring: Fields of the World by Judit Prieto and Ten Thousand Leaves by Rosy Coleman.
Buttery Cafe open Wed - Fri 10am - 5pm Sat - Sun 9.30am - 5.30pm
For Reservations call 020 7794 3943 |