Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Stunning pictures of lightning, floods and a snow-covered Yak make final cut in international nature and wildlife prize | Mail Online

Stunning pictures of lightning, floods and a snow-covered Yak make final cut in international nature and wildlife prize | Mail Online: "It’s not just Britain that’s obsessed with weather: Stunning pictures of lightning, floods and a snow-covered Yak make final cut in international nature and wildlife prize "

National News and Pictures
 Pictured: Highly Commended Ron Tear, from Loughton in Essex. London landmark Big Ben in a snow storm
 We all love to talk about it in the Britain, but these pictures show that the weather holds a fascination around the globe.
 From forks of lightning in Poland and New Mexico to flooded fields in Portugal, a snow-covered yak in Nepal and canal in Bangladesh, these pictures all made the final cut in the Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers' Weather competition.
 Winner was Andrzej Bochenski from Poland for his dramatic lightning shot on Puck Bay on the Baltic Sea.