Sunday 10 February 2019

Museum of London - There's so much to do this half term

Amazing days out this half term
If you're looking for family days out this half term that are as interesting as they are fun, we've got you covered.

From Roman fun and games to amazing moments in the East End’s history, there's something amazing for the family every day at the Museum of London and Museum of London Docklands.
Museum of London
Fun with Roman Londoners
Take a trip back to ancient Londinium this February. Learn about Roman funeral traditions; get crafty at a mosaic making session and meet a Roman soldier.

It's like really going back in time, but without the Latin, wars and other dangers.
Styx, stones & Roman bones
Sat 16 - Mon 24 Feb, from 12-12.45pm, 1.30-2.15pm & 3-3.45pm
Museum of London
Meet ancient Roman Londoner Claudia and learn about Roman funeral traditions as you help her soul cross over into the afterlife.

Learn what she's seen over the centuries, explore the differences between Roman and modern London and help her finish her journey in a fun and interactive setting.

Ways to die in Roman London with Caroline Lawrence
Wed 20 Feb, 1-2pm
Museum of London
Meet award winning children’s writer Caroline Lawrence, creator of the Roman Mysteries and Roman Quest series and discover what made Roman London so dangerous. 

Learn more about where she gets her inspiration, listen to a reading from her upcoming novel ‘The Time Travel Diaries’, and get the chance to ask her questions.
Museum of London Docklands
The East End
The East End of London is steeped in all kinds of social history for the family to explore this half term.

Whether it's learning how the kids of the East End entertained themselves in the past, learning about a different kind of royalty or getting your head around cockney rhyming slang, there will be fun and games of all kinds from 10.30am on every day of half term at the Museum of London Docklands.