Friday 22 February 2019

The City of London’s largest public roof garden Free access

The City of London’s largest roof top public space, ‘The Garden at 120’, located atop the newly opened Fen Court office building at 120 Fenchurch Street, is open to the public.

At 15-storeys up, the viewing platform offers exceptional 360-degree views of the City and greater London and is free for members of the public to visit, with no booking required.

Fen Court includes retail offering at the lower levels, a fourteenth-floor restaurant and dedicated public lifts which lead directly to The Garden at 120, which plays host to pergola planting with fruit trees, Italian wisteria, seating, a water feature and a coffee hut.

The 207-capacity rooftop garden will be open every Saturday and Sunday between 10am to 5pm (for two six-week trial periods), as the City of London continues to strengthen its offering as a vibrant weekend destination.