Friday, 3 July 2020

London Parks and Gardens Trust


Lockdown is beginning to ease, and we are delighted that volunteer activities and new green spaces are beginning to open up in time for the summer holidays. We at the Trust are pleased to see people reaping the benefits of outdoor space at this time - we believe these spaces are vital for everyone's wellbeing.

Our blog post this week is from Growing Space, a not-for-profit project supported by the Arcadia Charitable Trust. Growing Space transform underused church gardens into edible teaching gardens for surrounding schools and communities in West London. This fantastic initiative is encouraging children to engage with where their food comes from, building diversity within horticulture, and helping to bring back a sense of community evolvement.

In this weeks bulletin: 
  • An excerpt from our latest guest blog
  • Building a more resilient food growing movement
  • Our online book sale 
  • Latest Healthy Street campaign from CPRE London
Our Trust's president, Todd Longstaffe-Gowan, recently launched a fundraising campaign to raise much needed funds.  If you have already donated, then we would like to give you a huge THANK YOU.  Like many other charities and organisations, we are facing a difficult future but every contribution makes a big difference to our future and enables us to continue championing and celebrating the parks and gardens of London for the benefit of all.  If you haven't donated yet and would like to then you can do so here.

We are continuing to post virtual tours of our gardens on Instagram @londongardenstrust. Follow our twitter for all of the latest news surrounding Londons green spaces.

Below, you can find our latest blog post, information on community gardening and the latest healthy street initiative...

Excerpt: Growing Spaces

"Growing Space secures the location in the long run and coordinates the usage of edible teaching gardens for schools and communities. In 2019, we have built gardens in two locations: one at Christ Church Kensington (in W8), the other one at St-Helen's North Kensington (in W10).
We provide ongoing support to partnering school staff as well as arrange workshops for the broader community during weekends and school holidays, all while ensuring that the garden is looking lovely year-round.Through the use of those beautiful green oasis, participants come to understand the importance of looking after the soil and are encouraged in healthy eating habits as they enjoy sampling the fruits of their labour!"
Read the full blog post here