Do you love to be the first to know about the coolest events, the latest store and restaurant openings, prize draws and seriously special offers? Due to new data protection laws that will make it easier for you to control and protect your data, we are asking Carnaby lovers to re-register for our newsletter. This won't change how we already use your name and email - we simply want to make sure you're the first to know about the latest goings-on in Carnaby. The best part about re-registering? We'll give you the chance to WIN A WEEKEND IN CARNABY WORTH £500. That's a 4* hotel stay in a local hotel, £250 spend in Carnaby stores, plus lunch, dinner and drinks for two. Find out more about the prize here.We understand if you'd prefer not to, and from 26 May, you will no longer be on our database. You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of our emails. Here's a taster of all the hottest news that you could be missing out on...