Wednesday, 31 October 2012

November Events at Whitechapel Gallery

November Talks and Events

inhabiting-art-v2.jpgDiscussion: Inhabiting Art: Assembling Collectivities
Thursday 1 November, 7pm

Exploring the power of the collective voice
through communal living, activism and
anti-authoritarianism with artist Nils Norman.
matt-stokes-walking-tour-v2.jpgWalking Tour: Community Activism in East London
Sunday 4 November, 2pm
Writer Ansar Ahmed Ullah’s walk in Brick lane and Spitalfields follows the history of activism in the Bangladeshi community, with readings from poetStephen Watts.

bsl-boch-v2.jpgGallery Talk: Achim Borchardt-Hume on Mel Bochner With BSL interpretation
Thursday 8 November, 7pm

BSL users can email or call 020 7522 7888 to book.
judy-chicago-v2.jpgTalk: Judy Chicago
Wednesday 14 November, 7pm
Seminal feminist artist Judy Chicago talks about her work spanning five decades with art historian and writer Frances Borzello and Deputy Director of The Getty Institute Andrew Perchuk. Moderated by Anna Somers Cocks, founder of The Art Newspaper.

banging-v2.jpgDiscussion: Banging Your Head Against the Wall
Friday 16 November, 2pm

Screenings, readings and talks considering painting, colour and the written word inspired by artist Mel Bochner’s work. Participants include artists David BatchelorJonathan MonkNick Thurston, art historian Briony Fer, and Guggenheim Senior curatorJeffrey Weiss. Chaired by Achim Borchardt-Hume.
luckaz-v2.jpgTo Make a Tree: Lukasz Surowiec
Thursday 22 November, 7pm

Polish artist Lukasz Surowiec reflects on his project which transported hundreds of birch seedlings from the former Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp to Berlin, Germany.

london-city-v2.jpgWalking Tour: The City of London's Lost Rivers
Saturday 24 November, 1pm

A unique event in search of the hidden Walbrook river which lies below the streets with Tom Bolton author of London's Lost Rivers: A Walker's Guide.
Part of  a series of events inspired by 
The Bloomberg Commission: Giuseppe Penone.
laure-v2.jpgTalk and Performance: Laure Prouvost
Saturday 24 November, 1pm
The winner of the Max Mara Art Prize for WomenLaure Prouvost talks to artist Barbara Steveniabout inspiration, aspiration, residencies, waterfalls and Italy, with operatic performance by singer and composer Cristina Zavalloni.