Brixton Soup Kitchen is a charity organisation based in the heart of the hustling and bustling streets of Brixton, London. They opened their doors four years ago to provide help for those who are in need, providing fresh meals, clothes, legal and job advice and somewhere warm and welcoming for those who are underprivileged in and around the local community.
Brixton Soup Kitchen is run by Solomon Smith along with the help of volunteers who take time out of their busy schedules to help out with cooking, giving advice, cutting hair and overall just supporting those who attend the Soup Kitchen. Having never received government funding, the Soup Kitchen has been run on kind donations from the local community and various companies.
This July Brixton Soup Kitchen will be making their way overseas to help the homeless; they have previously worked in Toronto & Miami helping the homeless since 2015. The Brixton Soup Kitchen wants to continue this work but they need YOUR help to raise funds to help over 150 homeless people again. Any donations will help us significantly along with journey, and will be greatly appreciated.
For further information on Brixton Soup kitchen visit or contact Solomon Smith on 074538419514
Twitter: BrixSoupKitchen