Friday 3 November 2023

Canal & River Trust - Scenic canal walks for autumn


Boy playing with autumn leaves by canal

With dark nights and cold temperatures, this time of year can be a challenge. Whenever you need a break, wrap up warm and head for your local canal where the soothing sights and sounds can make everything feel better. Keep your eyes open for migratory birds this month.

Thank you to all of you who have supported our #KeepCanalsAlive campaign so far. We are pleased to say it’s being heard, and confident it’s making a difference. 

Naburn locks

Best autumn walks


Autumn’s crisp red-and-gold colours reflected in rippling waters make this the perfect season for a waterside walk. We’ve compiled a list of our favourite scenic strolls, so you can feel happier and healthier by water this November.

Picture of Tee-mill fashion

Sustainable fashion

Get the perfect gift with free UK delivery from Teemill between 3-5 November


Spooky season

Do you dare to discover the ghostly legends of our most haunted canal?

Spooky canal scene
Boats on the canal during Winter

Ready for winter

Calling all boat-owners, it’s time to prepare for the colder months ahead