Sunday, 29 April 2012

Queen brightens the gloom as she names Gloriana, the first royal barge to be built in 100 years | Mail Online

Queen brightens the gloom as she names Gloriana, the first royal barge to be built in 100 years | Mail Online: "The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh today braved heavy rain and driving winds to name a spectacular barge built to mark the Jubilee.

The royal couple travelled to the East London dock where Gloriana is currently moored, awaiting the moment when it will make its way to Wandsworth Bridge on the Thames from where it will lead the  Jubilee pageant on 3 June.

Dressed in a bright red coat and hat that cut a swathe through the morning's gloom, the monarch descended a gangway at Greenland Pier on the Thames in London's Docklands before boarding the Gloriana. "

'via Blog this'God bless her and all who sail in her! The Queen visits the Gloriana, the first royal barge to be built in 100 years, at Greenland Pier in East London