Thursday 22 October 2015

Centre Point hosts preview of Adam Donen’s Symphony to a Lost Generation at Bloomsbury festival

As a neighbour of the Bloomsbury Festival, London landmark Centre Point will host an exclusive preview of Symphony to a Lost Generation at the festival on Saturday 24th October, 8pm at Malet Street Gardens.

Composed and directed by Adam Donen, Symphony to a Lost Generation is the world’s first fully holographic feature length work commemorating the generation that endured the traumas of the First World War, both those that fought and those that stayed at home. Concerned not with countries but with people, it uses the latest holographic technology to bring 200 musicians and 250 actors, dancers and other performers to local theatres across the United Kingdom (and later Europe), all appearing to be live, all in fact recorded. The work presents a 3D audio-visual spectacular without a single cast member, using a series of projections to give the illusion of live stage performance.

This is the first time renowned composer, Adam Donen, will be involved in the Bloomsbury festival. He comments, "I'm delighted to be partnering with Centre Point to showcase this work-in-progress for the very first time, and equally delighted that Bloomsbury, which provided me with the opportunity to begin this project, is hosting this preview. Symphony to a Lost Generation has already been a long time in the making, and we look forward to the honour of taking it to people and places that would not otherwise experience a theatrical event of this size. Equally, we look forward to London's reaction when the full work premieres in Spring next year."