Wednesday, 28 February 2018

The Last Tuesday Society & Viktor Wynd Museum - Absinthe & The Hallouminati

Absinthe & The Hallouminati: A Secret Evening of Cheese & Wine with The Dark Knight Of Cholesterol

Society Absinthe Tasting with Sip or Mix & T. A. Breaux, Founder of Jade Absinthes
Monday 19th March 2018 at 7:00PM
£20 tickets include a tasting of Jade's full portfolio of premium Absinthes lead by the president & founder T.A.Breaux
The Last Tuesday Society is pleased to invite you to join us for a very special Society Absinthe Tasting on 19th March with founder and president of Jade Liqueurs, T. A. Breaux, and Jenny Gardener of Sip Or Mix.
T. A. Breaux is a native New Orleanian and research scientist who has dedicated over 20 years of research toward resolving the mysteries and myths associated with absinthe. His mission to painstakingly reconstruct historically accurate examples of the controversial spirit gave rise to Jade Liqueurs. Breaux co-directed the effort to lift the USA’s 95-year ban on absinthe, which came to fruition on March 5th, 2007 with the launch of Lucid Absinthe Supérieure. Breaux's reputation for being a staunch promoter of truth and accuracy of information and education in all matters absinthe is surpassed only by his limitless passion for recreating history through the fine art of absinthe crafting.

The Hallouminati: A Secret Evening of Cheese & Wine with The Dark Knight Of Cholesterol
Tuesday 20th March at 6:30PM
£35 ticket includes a six course masterclass of cheese carefully selected and paired with three glasses of wine for each guest
Join us at The Society on a Tuesday evening in March as we invite The Dark Knight of Cholesterol to share his secretly sourced selection of dairy delights for kindred lovers of cheese & wine alike.
Six courses of Europe's most interesting cheeses will be presented with stories of their origins and makings.
This indulgent selection of cheese will be masterfully paired by the owner of Vinothentic, François Domange, with three wines to harmoniously elevate The Dark Knight's pungent spirits.
Each of the carefully selected wines presented by Vintothenic possess a purity — celebrating traditional ancestral methods of viticulture through harmonious balance, true identity and absolute authenticity.

Cocktail of the Month...
An ode to the sign infamously displayed on the door of Sebastian Horsley's Soho flat, our house twist on the classic old fashioned is stirred down with a mix of Old Grand-Dad Bourbon, our own rosemary infused sugar and Old Time Bitters, served on the rocks with a lemon twist and finished with a sprig of burning rosemary to ward off any lingering  spirits  of the evil nature.
Make your reservation for this weekend here