Thursday, 27 September 2012

Whitechapel Gallery Talks and Events October

Talks and Events

01-v2.jpgTalk & Book Launch: Art on the Underground
Wednesday 3 October, 7pm
Evolutionary biologist and author ofWired for Culture Mark Pageldiscusses language, communication and exchange on the London tube.
02-v2.jpgTalk: Matt Stokes
Thursday 4 October, 7pm
The artist talks about his new film with special guests.
03-v2.jpgPrix Pictet Conversations on Photography
Sunday 7 October, 3pm
With art historian and criticMichael Fried, Photography Critic for The Financial TimesFrancis Hodgson, sustainability expert Leo Johnson and artistJohn Riddy.

04-v2.jpgOctober: Seminar on Art Writing
Tuesday 9 October, 3pm
Presenting and debating contemporary issues in
art writing with staff and
students from Goldsmiths MFA Art Writing course and invited guest speakers. The first
session features artist Mel Bochner.More
05-v2.jpgTalk: Gwen Allen on Artists’ Magazines
Wednesday 10 October, 7pm
Art Historian Gwen Allen
surveys the history of the artist’s magazine – from radical publications of the 60s and 70s
to DIY zine culture, that challenged the conventions of mainstream media.
new-boch.jpgIn Conversation: Mel Bochner and Achim Borchardt-Hume
Friday 12 October, 3pm
The artist discusses his work with the Gallery’s Chief Curator.
07-v2.jpgThursday 18 October, 7pm
Discussion: The Real World: Artist as Researcher

Exploring the role of specialist and generalist research in contemporary artists’ work. Chaired by Nick Kaplony with guests.
08-v2.jpgSunday 21 October, 2pm
Walking Tour: Resting Places
Archivist Gary Haines traces the history of Lascars, sailors from the Indian Subcontinent who settled in east London.
09-v2.jpgThursday 25 October, 7pm
To Make a Tree: Gustav Metzger
A new series of artist-led talks addressing the expanded significance of the tree in contemporary art.