Whitechapel Gallery Talks and Events October
Talks and Events
Talk & Book Launch: Art on the Underground Wednesday 3 October, 7pm Evolutionary biologist and author ofWired for Culture Mark Pageldiscusses language, communication and exchange on the London tube. More | Talk: Matt Stokes
Thursday 4 October, 7pm
The artist talks about his new film with special guests.
| Prix Pictet Conversations on Photography Sunday 7 October, 3pmWith art historian and criticMichael Fried, Photography Critic for The Financial TimesFrancis Hodgson, sustainability expert Leo Johnson and artistJohn Riddy. More
October: Seminar on Art Writing Tuesday 9 October, 3pmPresenting and debating contemporary issues in
art writing with staff and
students from Goldsmiths MFA Art Writing course and invited guest speakers. The first
session features artist Mel Bochner.More
| Talk: Gwen Allen on Artists’ Magazines Wednesday 10 October, 7pmArt Historian Gwen Allen
surveys the history of the artist’s magazine – from radical publications of the 60s and 70s
to DIY zine culture, that challenged the conventions of mainstream media.
| In Conversation: Mel Bochner and Achim Borchardt-Hume
Friday 12 October, 3pm
The artist discusses his work with the Gallery’s Chief Curator. More
Thursday 18 October, 7pm Discussion: The Real World: Artist as Researcher
Exploring the role of specialist and generalist research in contemporary artists’ work. Chaired by Nick Kaplony with guests.
More | Sunday 21 October, 2pm
Walking Tour: Resting Places
Archivist Gary Haines traces the history of Lascars, sailors from the Indian Subcontinent who settled in east London.
| Thursday 25 October, 7pm To Make a Tree: Gustav MetzgerA new series of artist-led talks addressing the expanded significance of the tree in contemporary art. More |