Friday, 19 April 2013

Explore our climate changing world at this month's Lates
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Wednesday 24 April, 18.45 - 22.00
A night of free adults-only entertainment

Dance, play, craft and investigate your way round our April Lates to learn more about our climate changing world.
Prepare to throw some shapes and compete to be crowned London's most energetic mover on the first ever dance floor, which converts dancing into useful energy. 
Enjoy climate science themed entertainment including music, poetry and a short film which takes you on a trip from the Arctic to the south of England.
Get crafty in our screen printing workshop to make your own artwork inspired by climate change and play some old-school classic games with a twist to see if they could help us save the planet.
And don't forget all your old favourites...the Punk Science comedy duo, speed dating, the silent disco, cockroach tours and the pub quiz!

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