Wednesday, 24 April 2013

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Talks and Events in May 

craig-martin.jpgTalk: Michael Craig-Martin: To Make a Tree
Tuesday 7 May, 7pm - 8.30pm
A discussion on artist Michael Craig-Martin's significant conceptual work from 1973, which claimed to have changed a glass of water into
an oak tree. Followed by conversation with the
artist and Daniel F. Herrmann, Eisler Curator
and Head of Curatorial Studies.
simon-and-tom-bloor.jpgDiscussion: Simon & Tom Bloor
Thursday 9 May, 7pm - 8.30pm
Join Children's Art Commission artists
Simon & Tom Bloor in conversation
with Gavin Wade, Director, Eastside


bruce - copy.jpgBruce Altshuler: Big IdeasThursday 9 May, 7pm - 8.30pm
Director of Museum Studies at
New York University Bruce Altshuler
presents his new book Biennials and
Beyond - ExhibitionsThat Made Art
History :1962-2002
. Followed by
conversation with writer and editor
Colin Perry.
opening-dialogues.jpgBeyond the Former Middle East: Opening Dialogues
Friday 10 May, 3.30pm - 6.30pm
Omar Kholeif is joined by aritst, writers, curators and filmakers including Lawrence Adbu HamdanAchim Borchardt-HumeSheyma BualiJoana HadjithomasKhalil Joreige and Guy Mannes-Abbott to interrogate new ways of thinking of emerging practice and artistic ecology.  More

alice.jpgDiscussion: Why design is not - and should not be confused with - art
Thursday 16 May, 7.30pm - 8.45pm
Design Critic of the International Herald
Tribune Alice Rawsthorn debates the
changing and often porblematic relationship between desgin and art with design historian
and curator Emily King.
documentary.jpgIn Conversation: Julian Stallabrass and Paul Lowe on Documentary
Thursday 23 May, 7pm - 8.30pm 
Professor of Art History at the Courtauld Insitute of ArtJulian Stallbrass and Course Director in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at London College of Communication Paul Loweaddress current shifts in documentary practices. 