Christmas Quiz December 9th at 6pm
Join Arts & Crafts Hammersmith (a collaboration between The William Morris Society and The Emery Walker Trust) for our tough but tantalising quiz about the people and places of Hammersmith’s past.
Join us live to test your knowledge of West London either on your own, or you might prefer to join forces in a team when our quiz is live streamed at 6pm UK time on Wednesday 9 December. We’ll be there to watch your progress via Chat, so do keep us posted on how you are doing.
And if you can’t make that date, the quiz will be available to play at a later date – so competitive quizzlings can watch repeatedly and work towards a perfect score!
This is a free event, but donations through our website are welcome.
Victorian Carols December 17th at 7pm
Arts & Crafts Hammersmith are holding an evening of traditional holiday songs featuring a virtual recital of festive pieces that would have been enjoyed by both the Morris and Walker families.
Emery Walker’s House’s very own songbird, Soprano Katie Hinchliffe, will be entertaining us and for those who would like to sing along, all those signing up for the Zoom link will be sent a PDF programme including words to some of the more familiar carols.
Both these events are part of a programme of monthly events via Zoom. Please prebook via
Both Emery Walker’s House and The William Morris Society have been forced to close since March, so donations large or small are most welcome.