Monday, 20 February 2017

BBC Audience - BBC Radio 4's Chain Reaction returns as Sara Pascoe talks to Harry Hill

Chain Reaction
Series 12 of the show where one week's interviewee becomes the next week's interviewer. The first episode of Chain Reaction was broadcast on BBC Radio Five in 1991 when John Cleese was the first comedian in the hot seat. Now, 25 years on, a new series sees another raft of the world's best-loved comic figures talking to each other about their lives and work.

In this edition Sara Pascoe (as seen on W1A and Q.I) talks to Harry Hill (Radio 4's Fruit Corner and Life on Egg).

Date: Friday 24 February
Venue: BBC Radio Theatre, London
Doors open: 5.15pm
Recording starts: 5.30pm

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