Wednesday, 18 April 2018

V&A - First look at the Fashioned from Nature trailer

Fashioned from Nature
Fashioned from Nature
Opening on Saturday 21 April

Supported by the European Confederation of Flax and Hemp – CELC

Take a closer look at the complex relationship between fashion and nature. Tracing 400 years and revealing the true cost of fashion. Discover how pioneering designers and innovators are harnessing fashion’s creativity to make a vibrant but more responsible system that respects, protects and celebrates the natural world.  

Join the conversation #FashionedfromNature

Additional support from G-Star RAW

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Live from the press view
Wednesday 18 April, 10am

Join us on Facebook for a sneak peek of the exhibition, live from the press view.  Hear Curator, Edwina Ehrman’s vision for the show, meet some of the key innovators, and see the highlights and star garments before we open the doors to the public.

Lunchtime Lecture with Curator, Edwina Ehrman
Wednesday 9 May, 13:00-13:45

Join Fashioned from Nature curator, Edwina Ehrman, as she reveals her vision for the exhibition, the research that underpinned the exhibition and the ways in which today’s fashion designers and consumers are addressing the challenges of creating a more responsible industry.  

Nike's Hannah Jones
Friday 20 April, 19.00 - 20.45

Join Hannah Jones, Nike's chief sustainability officer and vice president of the company's Innovation Accelerator, for a lively discussion on the intersection of fashion, sport and sustainability.  

£20 (includes wine reception)

Friday 18 May, 19.00 - 20.45

Join award-winning designer Erdem Moralioglu, known for his intricate floral prints and detailed craftsmanship, in conversation with Justine Picardie, Editor-in-Chief of Harper's Bazaar and Town & Country, for a discussion of his illustrious career and design inspiration.

£20 (includes wine reception)
Don't forget to buy the exhibition book!
This thought-provoking book spans 400 years and asks what we can learn from the past in order to design a better fashion industry for the future.