Tuesday, 6 September 2016

BBC Audience - Join BBC Radio 4 to celebrate Woman's Hour at 70

Woman's Hour at 70
Woman's Hour celebrates its 70th birthday with a live programme from the BBC Radio Theatre.

Join Jenni Murray and Jane Garvey and a panel of guests to discuss contemporary life for women in 2016.

There will be an option for audience participation for those who want to.

And, we'll reveal the results of a specially commissioned poll.

Date: Monday 10 October
Venue: BBC Radio Theatre
Doors open: 9.30am
Live broadcast starts: 10am

To apply for tickets visit bbc.co.uk/showsandtours.

BBC Shows and Tours

The BBC Shop in the Media Café at New Broadcasting House sells a small selection of merchandise relating to famous BBC productions like Doctor Who and Sherlock. We also sellexclusive BBC branded souvenirs.
Our kiosk is open to the public and you don't have to be an audience member to visit us.

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