Tuesday, 6 September 2016

BBC Audience - Join the BBC Singers and conductor Grete Pedersen at St Paul's Knightsbridge

BBC Singers at St Paul's Knightsbridge
Norwegian conductor Grete Pedersen conducts the BBC Singers in a programme punctuated byFelix Mendelssohn's 3 Psalm settings, and featuring Olivier Messiaen's iconic setting of O Sacrum Convivium. The programme also explores work by Messiaen's pupil Iannis Xenakis, Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho and Sweden's Karin Rehnqvist.

Iannis Xenakis Nuits
Messiaen O Sacrum Convivium
Mendelssohn 3 Psalms, Op.78
Kaija Saariaho Nuits adieux
Karin Rehnqvist I himmelen - in heaven above

BBC Singers
Grete Pedersen conductor

Date: Friday 30 September
Venue: St Paul's Church, Knightsbridge
Doors open: 1pm
Concert starts: 2pm

Admission to this concert is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that as not everyone who asks for tickets uses them, to make sure we have a full house we send out more tickets than there are places. We do our best to get the numbers right, but unfortunately we occasionally have to disappoint people so please arrive early.

To apply for tickets visit bbc.co.uk/showsandtours.

BBC Shows and Tours

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