Thursday, 11 December 2014

Christmas Past - 1958 Radio Times Cover - What was on.

Christmas Eve Wednesday 24th December 1958 


  1.15pm  Beunydd
                (Always) magazine in Welsh

  1.30pm  Closedown

  2.30pm  Watch with Mother
                The Flowerpot Men

  2.45pm  Film : Tall in the Saddle (1944)
                starring John Wayne

  4.10pm  Ten Bridges
                from the Chelsea Reaches to the Pool of London ten bridges span London's life-line, the River Thames.                     This film conveys the impressions of a day spent on and around the cockney reaches of the river

  4.25pm  One Summer's Day
                in the heart of a Canadian winter, memories drift back to the long lazy days of summer spent out of                         doors by the lake and in the sun

  5.00pm  Children's Television
                presents Children's Newsreel

  5.10pm  Eamonn Andrews
                assisted by Tony Hart and The Ted Taylor Trio opens the PLAYBOX which contains some light-hearted                       diversions for Christmas Eve. Detective-Inspector Bruce lends a hand in his off-duty moments at
                "The Nightwatchman's Fireside" by Vere Lorrlmer

  6.00pm  News Headlines, Sports News, The Weather

  6.20pm  Good Companions
                The programme of pets for people with pets visits Booth Hall Hospital, Manchester
                Peter West and Stanley Dangerfield introduce some of the smaller pets that you might be giving or                         receiving this Christmas

  6.45pm  Tonight
                Look around with Cliff Michelmore

  7.25pm  News Summary

  7.30pm  Alan Melville's takes you from A-Z`
                through the world of entertainment This week's letter deals with Letter "F"

  8.20pm  Film : Higher and Higher (1943)
                starring Jack Haley and Michele Morgan

  9.45pm  Emlyn Williams describes "A Child`s Christmas"
                by Dylan Thomas

10.00pm  News

10.15pm  A Summer in Sicily 
                4/4- The People
                Axel and his wife Roslyn share the vivaciousness of the Sicilians as it is expressed in their love of                             decoration, drama, and music in everyday life

10.45pm  Silent Journey
                a film directed by Walter Donigen.
                The adventures of a little Mexican boy who cannot hear or speak. Seeking help in the city, far away from                 his home, he meets many people and suffers many trials. But it is Christmas time, and this simple,                         moving tale has a happy ending

11.30pm  Communion
                from St Martin's-in-the-Bull Ring, Birmingham

  1.00am  Closedown

  Christmas Day Thursday 25th December 1958


11.00am  The Crib, The Cross and The Crown
                Family Service for Christmas morning from Westbury Park Methodist Church, Bristol

11.50am  Cerdyn Nadolig I Gymru Gyfan
                (Christmas Card to All of Wales)

12.20pm  Closedown

  2.30pm  Royal Prologue

  3.00pm  Her Majesty The Queen

  3.15pm  Billy Smart's Family Party
                A King of Circus holds Court at Christmas and his entire family invite children of all ages to join them in a                 real live family show

  4.15pm  Film : North-West Stampede (1948)
                with James Craig and Joan Leslie

  5.30pm  Plapp
                This film story about a seabird called Plapp was made on and around the island of St Martin's, in the Isles                 of Scilly, Cornwall. Storyteller, Johnny Morris

  6.00pm  News

  6.05pm  On the Twelfth Day
                An enchanting and comical fantasy based on the traditional Christmas song

  6.25pm  Christmas Night With The Stars
                introduced by David Nixon featuring The Charlie Chester Show, Tony Hancock,
                Charlie Drake, The Ted Ray Show, Whack-O! and more

  7.40pm  Harry Belafonte
                The distinguished American artist in a programme of music and song specially
                chosen for Christmas Night

  8.25pm  Film : Top Hat (1935)
                starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers

10.00pm  News

10.05pm  The Hurt Mind
                Mental Health National Appeal by Christopher Mayhew MP

10.10pm  The Black Eye
                by James Bridie starring David Kossoff, James MacTaggart, Robert Urquhart

11.40pm  The Candlemaker
                An animated cartoon film telling the story of a boy at Christmas time, the candlemaker's son who failed                   in his duty and then was allowed to put things right

11.52pm  Christmas Day Epilogue
                "Mary's Boy Child" sung by Harry Belafonte

12.00       Closedown

  Boxing Day Friday 26th December 1958


12.15pm  Beunydd

12.30pm  Closedown

12.45pm  Watch with Mother
                The Woodentops

  1.00pm  Grandstand
                introduced by David Coleman
                (1.15 Racing at Kempton Park: Mistletoe Novices Steeplechase,
                 1.25, 2.30, 2.55 Motor Racing at Brands Hatch: Silver City Trophy and John Davy Trophy,
                 1.45 Racing: Hunter Simmonds Hurdle, 2.15 The King George VI Steeplechase,
                 2.45 Holly Handicap Steeplechase, 3.35 Boxing at Cardiff: the Boxing Day Shield,
                 3.55 Half-time Scores, 4.30 Football and Racing Summaries)

  4.45pm  Children's Television
                presents Cinderella with June Thorburn, John Fabian, Peter Sallis, Joan Benham, Edna Petrie

  5.45pm  Today's Sport
                introduced by Kenneth Wolstenholme
                The latest news of today's sporting events, including
                Football, Racing, and Rugby Results

  6.00pm  News Summary

  6.05pm  Film : The Three Musketeers (1935)
                starring Walter Abel, Paul Lukas, Margot Grahame

  7.30pm  The Perry Como Show
                in tonight's recording Perry Como welcomes Guest Stars and The Mitchell Ayres Orchestra
                The Ray Charles Singers, The Louis Da Pron Dancers

  8.15pm Hancock's Half-Hour
               with Tony Hancock and Sidney James

  8.45pm  Our Mutual Friend
                by Charles Dickens
                Adapted for television In twelve parts by Freda Lingstrom
                Episode 8
                In which Mr. Boffin becomes a partner in the friendly move and learns
                that Silas Wegg has found a document

  9.15pm  Field- Marshal Lord Montgomery
                on Command in Battle
                Illustrated by six campaigns from Alamein to Luneberg Heath
                3-The Invasion of Sicily and Italy

  9.45pm  News Summary

  9.50pm  Love from a Stranger
                by Frank Vosper starring Emrys Jones and Clare Austin

11.20pm  The Good Old Days
                Christmas Edition of Old-Time Music-Hall

12.00      Closedown